My friend Kato and I played this game of By Fire and Sword in mid-August. We ran what a relatively historical situation, with a sizable Polish force (13 FSP from The Deluge) attacking a retreating Brandenburg defensive skirmish force (9 FSP from The Deluge), trying to break through the Prussian lines and/or capture two strategic hills. The scenario was Delay the Enemy. Based on my limited imagination of the history, you can imagine this as part of the Polish push into Prussia which eventually led the Elector of Brandenburg switching sides in the war between Sweden and Poland (joining the Polish). Prior to the battle, the Brandenburgers received some bonus effects to make up for the point differential: The large Cossack-like squadron in the middle suffered one stand's worth of Marching Losses in the lead-up to the battle. The left flank Dragoons turned out to be insubordinate, meaning they'd take an extra order to command. The Brandenburg force might rece...