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Book Review: The First Battle Lost - an ESR Supplement

I recently received the copy I ordered of The First Battle Lost - 1809 in Germany , a mid-war ESR Napoleonics Campaign Guide . This 210 page hardback book is an amazing resource for anyone interested in gaming the campaign of 1809 up until the battle of Aspern-Essling, whether at the operational level using a ruleset like Et Sans Resultat/ESR Napoleonics, or as a reference for other levels of wargaming.  Let’s dig in: Visuals                The book is gorgeous. The colors are extremely vibrant, the text is all very readable and distinct. The production quality is high - this is a very well-made book. Sometimes you need to look at all 3 map versions for a given battle to be able to understand the terrain, as a given blue or yellow deployment zone will slightly obscure the underlying ground, but that’s not a big deal. Overall, the book is well worth the investment.          Battles and game content The book ...
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Unboxing The Wargaming Company's new Napoleonic Starter Sets

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REVIEW: ESR Miniatures Napoleonic French Ligne and Legere

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Fleurus 1622 - an In Deo Veritas Battle Report

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